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Early Day at Horseshoe Bend

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This was my favorite capture. The sun had just come up moments before snapping this photo.

Horseshoe Bend is one of those iconic places where I’d seen the same photo taken so many times. I was curious as to how to see this view at the best time of day, and I came across so many answers when doing some research. I found the perfect way to make a decision that works for me, while also dodging the crowds if possible. Here are some of my best tips to enjoy the best lighting at Horseshoe Bend without being shoulder to shoulder with other, equally eager, visitors!

After having seen so many different photos of Horseshoe Bend that showed different lighting, I knew I wanted to pick a time of day to visit that showed the rocks and river in the best lighting. This meant avoiding the shadows for sure, but also having enough light to get the river to really shine. Research gave me so many conflicting answers, so I was so happy when I found this “Sunrise to Sunset Photo Series” created by photographer, Brian Klimowski!

I ended up deciding to visit pre-dawn, because there’s something so special about having a place so massive to yourself, and watching the day start, the golden glow slowly washing over everything in sight.

Useful Information

  • The parking lot is located here.
  • The “hike” from the parking lot is more like a walk on unpaved road.
  • Distance: 0.7 miles each way
  • As of April 13th, 2019, there is a $10 entrance fee per car (or truck / SUV / RV / motorhome)
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The unpaved walk down to Horseshoe Bend

Since we knew the walk down to Horseshoe Bend is short and easy, we arrived at the parking lot 20 minutes before sunrise and made our way down. The sky was bright but the sun hadn’t risen yet.

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How amazing is this view?

We got there with a few minutes to spare before the 6:55 am August sunrise, and the colors were beautiful. There were only 6 other people there at the time, and one thing I noticed was that there were plenty of different spots to hang out and see the classic view of the bend!

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Cheesing so hard because I’ve wanted to visit this place for so long and it did not disappoint!

As the sun started to rise, the golden glow cast shadows on the canyon.

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The rock formations are incredible.

I was so glad to have made it here before sunrise, because half an hour or so later, the place got loud and large crowds quickly started to form. The peace and quiet we experienced here made it so enjoyable.

Since the parking lot is only 10 minutes away from town, it’s perfect to head straight to breakfast. Ranch House Grille was your classic breakfast spot, and I enjoyed a massive omelette there before heading to Antelope Canyon!


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