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Devil’s Bridge Hike

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The view on the way up to the bridge.

Devil’s Bridge is a popular hiking destination in Sedona, AZ for locals and tourists alike. This natural sandstone arch is so impressive, and offers breathtaking views of the red rocks around you.

The hike length varies depending on where you start, and whether or not you have a 4×4 or 4-wheel-drive car. The shortest and easiest hike starts with a drive on a bumpy, mile-long dirt road, followed by a short, mostly marked, hike from the Devil’s Bridge Trailhead.

I’ll only speak to the two versions of this hike, since it’s what I researched the most experienced!

Trail Information

1.4 miles total if driving on the 4×4 dirt road then hiking from the trailhead
3.6 miles total if hiking from the parking lot on the dirt road to the trailhead

340 ft

Around 1 hour off-peak hours (dawn/sunrise) if taking the shortest route
2+ hours if walking the dirt road and/or going during peak hours

The 4×4 Dirt Road

I feel like I need to explain this dirt road situation to anyone who hasn’t experienced driving on an unpaved road before… It is bumpy. Really, really bumpy. I found this so fun, and it saved a lot of hiking time (woohoo, more sleep before sunrise!), but maybe considering hiking that 1.1 mile each way if you’d rather not be in a car that’s shaking for a mile!

The Hike from the Trailhead

Once you’ve driven/hiked the ~mile of dirt road, you’ll reach the parking lot to the clearly marked trailhead. This is also what Google Maps navigates to if you type “Devil’s Bridge Trailhead”. From here, the trail is really a breeze. The hike to the bridge is uphill, naturally, and the hike back is all downhill for less than a mile each way.

I thought it was really helpful to have hiking shoes on (find mine here), since the trail is very rocky and sandy, so my shoes gave me good grip and ankle support. These were pretty helpful for most Sedona hikes, since it’s so rocky in general!

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A sign along the trail.
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Once you approach this view, you’re close to the top.

As long as you follow the trail, this hike is pretty straightforward.

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My sleepy, pre-breakfast grin

Since we chose the shortest version of this hike pre-sunrise, one backpack with multiple water bottles and a hydration pack was more than enough for two people. I just wore my fanny pack and it was perfect for my phone.

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Just in time to watch the sunrise at the bridge

The biggest perk of starting the hike before sunrise is having a view this beautiful to yourself. I loved having a little breakfast and watching the sun change the colors of all the red rocks to give them a golden tint. No one else was around until about 30 minutes after sunrise on this beautiful Thursday in August.

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The golden hour glow was incredible 20 minutes after sunrise in August!
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The bridge is not as narrow as it seems! This felt really safe, even though I’m a little scared of heights.

Once we had our fill of pictures and more people started showing up, we hiked back down the trail. On your way down, you’ll see a little side trail that leads to this spot under the bridge where you can get another cool view!

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The view from under the bridge.
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The hike back down was a lot warmer, and a lot faster! It’s all downhill, so follow the trail and you’ll find yourself back at the trailhead in no time.

Any questions? Let me know in the comments and I’ll be happy to answer!


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